In the journey of life, we often lose touch with the childlike magic that once illuminated our existence. As children, we laughed wholeheartedly, embraced the present, and held boundless optimism. We were dreamers, full of innocence and blind faith. But as we grow, we unknowingly swap our magical lens for a more "realistic" one, shaped by societal norms and personal experiences.

Albert Einstein wisely observed, "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." In our tech-driven world, we've come to rely on data to navigate our paths. Data seems reliable and measurable, offering glimpses into the future. However, we've all stumbled when following outdated data, realizing that not everything that can be counted (data) truly counts.

For those of us who buried our childlike selves, this transition from innocence to pragmatism marked the beginning of a somber journey. Our spark, our excitement towards life, dimmed. But is it possible to rekindle that lost magic? Can we find our way back to the child within us? Believing in what can be counted often leads to this downward spiral. We lose touch with our dreams and ourselves, making the journey back seem insurmountable. Yet, there's always hope. Sometimes, life intervenes subtly or dramatically, acting as a turning point in our lives.

These interventions don't work for everyone. Some remain trapped in their adult shells, unable to reconnect with their inner child. However, I firmly believe that every problem has a solution. Even if your attempts to rekindle your inner spark fail, you can turn to time, for as long as there's life, there's a chance to find your way home.

It may seem like the odds are against you, but remember that not everything that counts can be counted. This unquantifiable factor may be the key to rediscovering the magic of childhood. So, never stop believing that it's possible to embrace your inner child once more.

In a world dominated by numbers and data, don't forget that the intangible, the unquantifiable, holds immense power. It's time to unseal that box of dreams, dust off your childlike wonder, and reclaim the magic that was always within you. Embrace the present, dream boldly, and let your inner child light your path.

In the intricate journey of life, there exists a gate – a gate that, if held open long enough, can set your inner child free, reignite that long-forgotten spark, and turn those buried dreams into tangible realities. Life is fleeting and uncertain, making each step a journey filled with endless possibilities. Why not live it with beliefs that envelop each day with unwavering optimism?

I've come to appreciate the profound value of inspiration. It's a beacon we all need as we navigate the twists and turns of life. Remarkably, inspiration need not stem from grand moments or significant events. It often hides in plain sight, waiting for us to notice. However, it requires a heightened awareness, a moment of stillness, and an open heart to recognize and draw from it.

But why am I writing about inspiration, you might wonder? Because, as we strive to chase our dreams and resurrect our inner child, the path is seldom a straight line. It may not unfold as swiftly as we'd like, and we might find ourselves perched on the precipice of uncertainty for extended periods. In such moments, one of the uncountable things that truly count is inspiration. It's the inspiration to trust the waiting, to believe in the unseen, to know when and how to act, and when to surrender to the flow, confident that the dots will connect as we look back in hindsight.

We should challenge the beliefs we've clung to – often unknowingly – for they can keep our inner child and spark hidden. I've been guilty of this myself and am still on the journey of self-discovery. "Be still" is one of the most vital pieces of advice I've received, yet one of the most challenging to follow. It's easy to grasp the essence of stillness, but hard to put into practice. Many of us prefer endless action, even if it doesn't yield the desired productivity. And when we do manage to calm our bodies, our minds often run rampant, leading us far from our intended path.

Rekindling that inner flame and freeing the child within can be achieved in countless ways, but ultimately, it's up to us to believe in the possibility and to want this transformation in our lives. We've all encountered individuals who, at various stages of life, seem to have stumbled upon a hidden source that transformed their lives in unexpected ways. We know it's possible; now, we must believe that it can happen for us as well.

In a world that often labels dreams as wishful thinking, childish, or unrealistic, I find myself unable to view the world through the same lens as many of the people I've grown up around. I choose to believe in the grand and seemingly unjustifiable things. After all, we've witnessed countless examples of individuals manifesting the extraordinary, reminding us that the extraordinary is within reach.

It's true; different things ignite different emotions and reactions in each of us. As you read these words, I hope they act as a spark, reigniting the fire within you or nudging you towards exploring that dormant part of your existence. I hope they prompt you to recall the child you once were, who saw the world as a canvas for creation and discovery, not a place filled with dread. I've always believed that life was meant to be magical.

So, as we journey through life, pursuing our dreams, and rekindling our inner child, let us continue to dream big, believe in the impossible, and embrace the magic that surrounds us. In a world that often leans towards skepticism, let us be the dreamers, the believers, and the creators of our own extraordinary realities.

I'll see you on the next chapter of this magical journey.

Fred Agaba




Crafting my “why”: My creative expedition.