Stepping out of my homeland and into China, I've been reminded of the profound beauty in our differences. The stark contrast between the life I left behind and the one I've embraced here struck me the moment I disembarked from that plane. It felt like crossing dimensions, demanding a pause to absorb it all.

Confronted with novel experiences, we tend to view them through various lenses, and often, I find myself donning the lens of fascination. Upon my arrival in this ancient and enigmatic land, I couldn't help but marvel at the sights before me. Despite the abundance of resources available to prepare for any journey, such as YouTube and books, nothing truly compares to firsthand experience.

As I pen down these words, nearly ten months have passed since my arrival, and while many of my core beliefs remain unaltered, others have undergone a complete transformation. It's intriguing how a change in environment can unearth hidden anxieties, ones that might have gone unnoticed in familiar surroundings. Equally fascinating is the discovery that, beneath our surface differences, we share much in common.

You've likely heard the saying that we are all connected, but it takes on new meaning when you share a laugh with someone who doesn't speak your language. In those moments, with just a few words, you capture a shared moment radiating joy and laughter. It's a poignant reminder of how isolating oneself can be detrimental, emphasizing the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing the world.

I view the world as a canvas, a platform where each of us wields unique creative tools to leave our mark. This perspective has guided me throughout my life, even back in my homeland of Uganda. While it didn't lead to grand creations, it provided a lens through which the world and its people inspired me to write my first published book, "The First Domino."

Arriving in China, I was handed a new imaginary lens. It grants me a fresh perspective, igniting my imagination and sense of wonder, fueling a new wellspring of inspiration. I firmly believe that we are extensions of the creator's creative genius. Within each of us lies the power to envision what could be and bring it into existence.

In this diverse world, where dimensions shift with every step we take, it's in embracing these differences and tapping into our boundless creativity that we can truly leave our mark and illuminate the world with our unique brilliance.

In the midst of my journey through China, I've come to appreciate the art of allowing existence to unfold naturally. It's a lesson I first encountered through books and distant sources in my homeland, where I glimpsed at traces of this creative power in the endeavors of those around me. Yet, it was only upon stepping onto Chinese soil that I truly grasped the depth of human creativity and innovation.

China, a realm where ingenuity knows no bounds, is rapidly evolving, adopting new technologies with the finesse of a well-oiled machine. The pace of change here is staggering, leaving me in awe. One can only imagine the futuristic marvels that Chinese metropolises will become.

With a change in mindset, both in leadership and among the people in Africa and other developing regions, I envision a similar explosion of growth and development back home. I wonder how my past experiences will influence this new chapter of my life, yearning to unlearn, re-learn, and explore the world anew.

I carried a myriad of lessons from my previous life, some successful shots, others misses, all etching lasting imprints on my being. The day I packed my bags for China, my mind buzzed with excitement and nervousness, fueled by the dreams of creations I hoped to bring to life.

Approaching a year in China, I now hold the belief that "There is beauty in our differences" closer to my heart than ever before, even on the challenging days. This journey is my quest to continuously uncover my passions, understanding that passion is the fruit of persistent action.

As you navigate your creative realm, I encourage you to keep doing, keep living, keep moving. While it's beautiful to pause and savor life's moments, it's equally vital to invest your time and energy in something you are truly passionate about. It doesn't need to be grand, but let it be worth your heart and soul.

I mentioned how my lens on life shifted when I moved to China, but the truth is, we need not change our physical location to alter our perspective. We can always adjust the lens through which we view the world, a simple act that helps us stop feeling trapped and provides a broader view. Often, our frustration stems from zooming in too closely on individual events that don't go our way, depleting our precious energy. Yet, this can be reversed by the simple act of trying on a new lens and changing our perspective.

So, as I wrap up this reflection, I leave you with a few questions: What kind of lens are you currently using to see life? Do you love what you see? Do you love how you feel about what you see?

Until our next encounter, keep exploring the world with wonder and an open heart.

Fred Agaba


Crafting my “why”: My creative expedition.
